Become A Member
Just call the office at 207-725-9444 and ask for our brochure and membership packet. Once we receive your completed membership card we will contact you for additional information and arrange to meet you to discuss your at home needs.
Member benefits include:
24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to our non-medical services for our members only.
Members are given top priority in fulfilling their requests for services.
Team approach to care management for daily at home assistance.
Assured continuity of care and assistance by having the same care givers respond to your needs.
Becoming a member helps us to keep the cost of our services to you competitively priced. Our hourly fee is the same for all services.
Notify our manager of your request for services. Twenty-four hours notice is appreciated. We will have your personally selected matched caregiver to accommodate your at home needs. Should something unexpectedly come up, just call and we will do our best to assist you.
Billing is done on a monthly basis. The caregiver fills out a time slip, which is then submitted to our payroll/billing coordinator. You will receive a copy of the time slip(s) and a statement at the time of billing which is done every 4 weeks.